29 January 2012

Steam Cleaners for Industrial Cleaning Application

Steam Cleaners
Steam cleaners are excellent hard surface cleaners. These machines rely on high temperature output for cleaning a hard surface efficiently. The output temperature of sophisticated models of steam cleaning machines, such as Daimer®’s KleenJet® series, reach up to 386°F. Such a high temperature can melt or dissolve many types of dirt and grime from hard surfaces. This feature makes these machines ideal for carrying out various types of industrial cleaning tasks.

This post deals with some major uses of steam cleaners.
Cleaning Industrial Machinery
Almost all industrial machines have strong and sturdy metal surfaces, which tend to attract stains and dirt during their functioning. Often, these stains are hardened due to excessive exposure to heat. Steam cleaners, with their high output temperature, are the best choice for removing such heat-exposed stains. Machines such as the KleenJet® 5000CVP may be used to clean a number of industrial machines including cabinet, engine parts, and HVAC condenser coils.

Cleaning Factory Floor
Steam cleaning machines are best for cleaning the floor of factory buildings too. They are capable of cleaning almost all kinds of dirt, stains, dust, and other impurities found on the floor.

The advantages of using steam cleaners for cleaning factory floor are two-fold. First, these machines clean very effectively. Their high temperature output takes care of almost all kinds of impurities. Second, there is little water output, as the systems use steam with less than 5% water content when cleaning.

Daimer®, a major supplier of cleaning products, supplies high quality industrial steam cleaners. For more detail about these machines, visit www.daimer.com.