29 April 2009

Why Should You Switch To Green Chemicals

Most people do not realize that green chemicals can offer you a very effective cleaning power. This is because most of us think that, in order to get something clean, you have to use a harsh chemical based cleaner. The harsher it is, the more thorough the cleaning will be. This is not true, in fact; using harsh chemicals has a number of disadvantages. For one thing, these substances can leave chemical traces. In fact, some chemicals can actually...

21 April 2009

Cold Water Pressure Washers - Affordable And Portable!

When it comes to pressure washers, people may assume that hot water pressure washers are the more effective option. While this may be true for many applications, cold water washers have their own exclusive range of benefits that you can’t get with hot water machines. Daimer® currently has two kinds of cold pressure washers that are the most powerful in the industry. These machines are the perfect option for people looking for equipment that is...

08 April 2009

AST ® Automatic Shutoff Technology

Moving a step ahead in pressure washer technology, Daimer Industries has added another revolutionary technology to their list of pressure washers. The newly introduced pressure washers is equipped with AST ® technology that enables the washer to shut down after a period of inactivity of 30 seconds. This Automatic Shutoff Technology ® has made these pressure washers hassle-free, time saving, and easy to operate. This excellent feature also minimizes the wear and tear and overheating of the components. It is specifically useful for people...